Friday, July 1, 2016

Live free...

Jonathan Edwards' Resolution #6:
Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live.

I have been asked before which one of Edwards' resolutions is my favorite and this one typically comes to mind.  I mean, come on!  "Live with all my might!"  Doesn't it just make you want to flex your muscles and get out there and DO something?!?! 

I'll be honest, I am prone to laziness...well more exhaustion and a desire to just "take a break" from my busy and very wonderfully full life.  So maybe not "lazy," just always searching for a tiny bit of peace, which on a selfish level can lend itself to laziness in my mind.  I can retreat to my couch and watch Netflix and DVDs for hours (ok, so, laziness might be accurate).  Not exactly what I would call "living."

I love the challenge in Edwards' words: "LIVE"..."With ALL my might"..."while I DO live!" 

The most amazing thing is I even have a life to live!  Those words "I do" seem only to be poetically placed into the thought, but one day my fiancĂ© corrected me on the line (I had said "Live with all my might while I live)...thank God for this God-given mn, what a wake up call to my heart!  "While I DO live," it is astounding that I have breath and life.  That is not based on choices I make, they are gifts of mercy and grace from a kind and immeasurably patient and loving Father.  I don't deserve life, I have squandered and misused a most of my time on earth and yet my God is persistent in pursuing me and correcting me to be more like Him.  Oh that I would never take for granted every new and merciful morning I am granted to breath in and out!

"And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything.  Rather, He
Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else."  ~Acts 17:25

"With all my might"...."with ALL my MIGHT!"  I still don't think I know what this means, but it keeps me pondering every time this resolution comes to mind.  Like I mentioned before, I struggle with exhaustion, both from a full schedule and some health issues that can be taxing.  I have tried to live life denying that I have limitations, that I can do anything and everything, but I was perfectly made with limitations.  Limitations to remind me where my source of life is, in HIM, and that I am not God and unlike Him I need fact I am even commanded to rest.  But even in rest I can have "might" to live in rest well.  I can rest well in Him...there are better ways than just vegging-out and zoneing-out from life.  After all, every moment is a gift, so what am I doing with my down time?  Am I resting in Him, growing in maturity in Christ?  What does "might" look like in rest?  Maybe it means being different in rest, choosing to listen to Him, to be still and not just distracted.

"He says, 'Be till, and know that I am God..." ~Psalm 46:10

"In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to
eat - for He grants sleep to those He loves." ~Psalm 127:2

"Live"...such a small word, and yet in this context full of meaning.  Enjoy life, seek to squeeze every last drop of enjoyment out of what we have so generously been entrusted with.  Not in selfishness, but in gratitude of Who has given life to you.  Live with eyes fixed on Christ who sits on His throne and gives you His righteousness and life eternal. Live like you have gained eternity and right standing with the King of the Universe.  Live in a way that this world would not be worth of you, in a way that people notice the difference and see it as desirable enough to seek it themselves!

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the
Gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about
you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit,
striving together as one for the faith of the Gospel." ~Philippians 1:27

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