"Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life."
There are decisions we make all throughout our day...choices to get out of bed, what to eat/drink, what to wear, how we will make it to our next destination, how we will respond to people's actions and words...the list goes on infinitely. But are we fully aware of these as choices or do we treat them as habits, life necessities that are not given much consideration? What choices really matter? If this was the last hour of my life would I take what I eat for lunch more or less seriously...
Maybe that is taking this point too far, but maybe not. There is significant challenge in Edwards' words here. There is a fear alluded to here, not of death but of God and His viewing of our moments, our choices. Do we live with the understanding that no next moment is guaranteed and all our movements and decisions are seen by a Holy and Righteous and All-Powerful God? Do I live like that? Certainly not...
"For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen
those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. You have done a
foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." ~2 Chronicles 16:9
All I can say is, praise God for His undeserved mercy and grace on my life by calling me to have faith in Christ! Without which I would have fear of being at war with Him because of my shortcomings, but in Christ I have been made righteous before God. I do not come to Him in the filthy rags of my efforts but in the gleaming pure white robes of Christ by grace given faith!
So what then shall we do with this unmerited favor of God? Go about our lives with this head knowledge and hope we get better? NO! We seek out more of Him, we look at and dig into His Word to learn about Him and how we can be more like Him. We pour out in prayer and praise our thankfulness to Him for this amazing grace. We walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel, in full knowledge that everything we do should run through the filter of Christ. We are held to a high standard because we have a great inheritance, we have a high calling because we are now heirs with Christ!
So here we go, walking forward in full confidence of our salvation and right-standing with God, seeking ways to honor Him and point to Him in all we do. We wake up with grateful and joyful hearts ready to serve Him. We dress and eat in a way that honors the body He has graciously given us in order that we can most effectively be used by Him for His glory. We do our jobs and exercise not in vain attempts to elevate ourselves but always to elevate Him as the source of Life, Power, Strength, Provision, and Competence! We do not blindly amble through this life, we consciously face each day knowing we are clothed in Christ and His armor, able to do battle against any temptation, obvious or subtle, because in Christ there is victory!
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